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How to Import/Export Bulk Products
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If you have a lot of products to add or update in MYPOS then rather than editing them one by one in the "Products" section of the portal you can upload the changes in bulk from a .csv file, we recommend exporting the current list of products from the portal as a .csv, editing this file and reuploading the same file back into MYPOS for maximum compatibility.


The ability to import/export is a restricted role in MYPOS and may not be enabled in your PosPortal account by default, if you would like access to 'import/export" please contact [email protected]

To begin with you will need to go to the MYPOS Portal at and sign in with your email address and password

Once logged into the MYPOS Portal, Click onto "Data Setup", then scroll down and click on "Products"

Once the product page is open, click on Import/Export

After clicking on Import/Export, the below pop-up box will appear


There are two different export options:

1: Download a blank template file (this is best for adding new products to the system as the import will be quicker than reimporting all items)

2: Download a template file with all existing data (this is best for amending existing products)

The blank template will look like this:

The fields need to be filled as follows


can be numeric or alphanumeric can be created but can't be edited via bulk upload 
(if numeric enclose in " for correct formatting for example "123456")


500 characters - required normally we recommend using the same as Long Description


50 characters – required used as till screen description


20 characters – required used as product receipt description


50 characters - required used as menu buttons label on till screen


20 characters – optional, will be set to the same as productCode if omitted can be created but can't be edited via bulk upload


Decimal – optional default sale price used by most customers


Decimal – optional


Decimal – optional


Decimal – optional


Decimal – optional


Decimal – optional


Decimal – optional


Decimal – optional


Decimal – optional


Decimal – optional


Decimal – optional


set as Y or N (Yes or No)


Must match an existing Tax Code in "Tax Groups"


8000 characters – optional


50 characters – optional


50 characters – optional


50 characters – optional


For Hospitality Prep Printers only, for most clients 'False'


50 characters – required, must exist as a classification in "Classifications" otherwise import will fail


True or False , if False then item will not show in POS front end or be available for sale



To trim a field to 20 characters in excel you can use the formula =Left(D1,20)where D1 is the cell you want to shorten, you should then copy the resulting entry and 'paste as value' back into the 'short description cell
To trim a field to 50 characters in excel you can use the formula =Left(D1,50)where D1 is the cell you want to shorten, you should then copy the resulting entry and 'paste as value' back into the 'long description cell

If you download a template with all existing date this will show all current active and inactive products in your database, the products can be edited from the downloaded file by changing the value of any cell in excel, Product Codes and Barcodes can not be edited via bulk upload, for assistance with editing product codes or barcodes email [email protected]

All files must be saved in a ".CSV" format with their original file name

Once the file has been edited and saved, go back to the "Products" section of the portal,  click on Import/Export

Choose the "Choose File" option and navigate to the location where you have saved the file on your local hard drive

Choose "Upload"

once the file has uploaded you will receive a notification on screen

You will receive an email to your portal login email address to indicate that the import has begun

If there is any invalid data in the file you will receive an email notifying you which data is invalid and the import will not continue for any item, you will need to correct the data and reimport.

After the CSV file has been imported the user will receive an e-mail with the number of items in the file, the number of successful uploads (saves) and the number and list of items ignored due to no changes (not saved)


Once the import is complete the changes will sync to the till the next time a user logs in , to force sync the changes to the till straight away go to "Manager" on the till interface and select 'Re-Sync Data'


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