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How to add a Menu Item
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Menu Items can be used to link to products, other menu pages or a combination of both


To begin with you will need to go to the MYPOS Portal at and sign in with your email address and password




Once you have logged in you will see several menu options on the left hand side of the Portal, select the "Data Setup" option and choose "Menu Pages" from the dropdown options that appear below 


Select the  menu page you would like to edit by clicking the drop-down arrow and choose edit to add items to that page.

To create a new menu button click “Add Menu Item” or “Add Multiple Product buttons”
"Add Menu Item" is an option to add a single product button which you can then move around and size as you need
"Add Multiple Product Buttons" is an option to add multiple product buttons at the same time which you can then move around and size as you need


Each item you add will be created as “new” and be one square in size, you can now drag and drop that item anywhere on the screen. and resize, edit & remove it, to move the item click and drag from the top left hand side of the button

To Resize the item, in the bottom left hand corner a diagonal arrow will appear, just click and drag it to the size you require & click save.

To Edit the item, highlight over the name and click the pencil to edit the item text and what "target page" this item links to.

Here you can change all the button options & add a page image if preferred.


Button Text - this is what will be displayed on the button (this will be autofilled from the "button text" product field when a product is linked, it can be overwritten to suit

Image - in MYPOS 10 an image can be shown instead of the button text, click the choose item button and navigate to the image to upload

Text Size - Choose from a range of Text sizes, this affects how small or large the button text appears on the button

Button Shape - Rectangle or Circle 

Button Colour - A Range of colours can be picked to allow you to differentiate between buttons

Button Text Colour - Black or White Button Text can be picked to suit your Button Colour

Target Page  - If you want the button to link to a different menu page when pressed pick the page to link to here, this can be used by itself or in conjunction with "Product"

Product - If you want the button to link to a product when pressed pick the product to link to here, this can be used by itself or in conjunction with "Target Page"

If you want a button press to select an item and then display a further menu page (ideal for modifiers in hospitality) you would set both a "Product" and a"Target page"


To remove the button, highlight over it and click the cross to remove the button from the menu and click save.



Once you are happy with the button you can click save. Re-sync your Tills to see these changes. 

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