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Home > MYPOS Connect > Hardware & Other > Scales > Avery Berkel FX120 Integrated Weighing Scales
Avery Berkel FX120 Integrated Weighing Scales
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Avery Berkel FX120

The Avery Berkel FX120 is a checkout weighing scale than can be integrated with MYPOS8, items can be weighed on the scale and then when the relevant product button is selected on the till, the weight will be transferred to the till and the price calculated.

Error Codes

F 10 - Battery Failure
F 11 - Power Supply Voltage is too High
F 30 - Memory Checksum invalidF 35 - Prohibited Function
F 36 - Prohibited Scale Capacity
E 120 - Tare weight instead
E 121 - Tare too heavyE 122 - Tare already in operation
E 123 - cannot use EPOS tare
E 124 - Mismatch between EPOS and scale tare increments
E 130 - Unit price not accepted
E 131 - Scale has not returned to zero between EPOS transactions

H Error Codes

If the scale has H--- on the display, you will need to replace the loadcell.

As this is a FX120 you will not be able to download a new Application or Config file, to download a new Application and Config file to the scale you will require a software download tool which connects to the edge connector of the loadcell?

If you get one of the following errors - this means that the Remote Node in the display is not being able to communicate with the Loadcell.

H--- indicates the address the board is set to in this case it is would be set to 40. -H-- would be 41, --H- would be 42 and ---H would be 43. The Node Address are setup in Branches 40 to 47.

Several things could cause the error, therefore you would need to check the following:

1. Check all the cable connection, then power the scale off and switch it back on from the mains supply.

2. If you are still getting the error and you have another display you could try it and then that would rule out the display being faulty. Also other related parts that could be faulty are:

The Remote Node card/board is faulty (this board is within the display)?

The Cable could be faulty?

The RS485 Card in the scale could be faulty?

The Loom between the RS485 card and the Loadcell could be faulty?

Download Avery Berkel FX120 Manual

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