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API Postman Samples
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Postman Samples

There are five sample collections to help you get started. Postman Collections are a group of saved requests, if you do not have Postman you can download it here

We know there are other development tools, Postman is simply the one we use. You can open the collections in any Json viewer to get started. If after trying these you still have questions then please just email us at [email protected]

Right click on the link below and select save link as.... this will give you the basic calls that you should start with to get familiar with our API. Don't go anywhere without trying "101 - POST for a Bearer Token with your assigned login" in this collection to get your bearer token and then try "102 - GET Stores list" to get a list of the stores in your test database. Other request in the basic collection include devices, users, products and more.

BASIC Data Collection.postman_collection

Second up is the Sales collection. A receipt on the till is a sale, it has both sides of the entry, the products sold and the payments taken. Requests in the Sales collection include customers, retreiving sales, adding new receipts.

SALES Data Collection.postman_collection

Next up is a collection for those that need to add Purchasing data. Requests in the Purchasing collection include suppliers, purchase orders and adding a purchase order.

PURCHASING Data Collection.postman_collection

The stock collection allows for the retrieval of stock levels such as products in a store, or which stores have a product. It also allows adjustments to be sent. 

STOCK Data Collection.postman_collection

Also available is the Audit collection. Every change made to a product or user or store or device is recorded in Audits. Every cancel order or refund or no sale goes in DeviceJournal. Use these tables to telll when someone started a till, refunded an item, ran a Z report.

Z and AUDIT Data Collection.postman_collection

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