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Home > MYPOS Connect > MYPOS Connect Portal > Products & Classifications > How to Delete a Product Classification
How to Delete a Product Classification
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Deleting a Product Classification

Note: Only Classifications which are not allocated to a Product can be deleted, if you want to delete a classification that is allocated to a product you need to first update the product to use a alternative classification before the MYPOS Portal will allow you to delete the classification

To begin with you will need to go to the MYPOS Portal at and sign in with your email address and password


Once you have logged in you will see several menu options on the left hand side of the Portal, select the "Data Setup" option and choose "Classifications" from the dropdown options that appear below


Search for the Classification you want to delete using the "Keyword Search" option at the top of the page or by manually scrolling through the list until you find the correct item, the classifications list can be ordered ascending or descending by classification name by pressing the white downward arrow next to the words 'Classification Code"

Once you have located the Classification you want to delete move your mouse over the blue downward arrow next to that classification, a pop up will appear with 3 options, view, edit and delete, select the "delete" option

If the Classification is not allocated to a product the message "This item has been deleted." will appear, press close to continue

If the Classification is still in use on a product the message "Unable to delete this item, please contact support." will appear, press close to continue 

After you have pressed "close" the portal window will reload will a list of all current classifications excluding any you have just deleted.

If the "Unable to delete this item, please contact support." message appears You will need to identify which products are still using this classification, this can be done by viewing the "Product Items Detail" Portal Report and using the "Classification" filter to identify products using the Classification you want to delete, once you have worked out which products still use the Classification they can be changed to use a different classification on the "Edit Products Page" , you can then delete the classification by following these instructions again from the top

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