Editing a Product Classification
Note: Changing a Classification Code will affect all products that use that code, any portal reports that show previously sold products will show the new classification name rather than the classification name that was in place at the time the item was sold.
To begin with you will need to go to the MYPOS Portal at https://portal.myposconnect.com and sign in with your email address and password
Once you have logged in you will see several menu options on the left hand side of the Portal, select the "Data Setup" option and choose "Classifications" from the dropdown options that appear below
Search for the Classification you want to edit using the "Keyword Search" option at the top of the page or by manually scrolling through the list until you find the correct item, the classifications list can be ordered ascending or descending by classification name by pressing the white downward arrow next to the words 'Classification Code"
Once you have located the Classification you want to edit move your mouse over the blue downward arrow next to that classification, a pop up will appear with 3 options, view, edit and delete, select the "edit" option
The "Classification Id" is a GUID (global unique identifier) that will always remain the same regardless of what wording you use as the classification code, the GUID is shown for information only and can't be edited. to change the Classification Code simply click in the "Classification Code" box, delete the current name and enter the new name, once you have changed the name press the purple "Save" button at the bottom of the screen
After the "Save" button is pressed the classification will be updated and the portal window will reload will a list of all current classifications including the one you just edited.