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Home > MYPOS Connect > MYPOS Inventory > MYPOS Inventory - Count
MYPOS Inventory - Count
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What is a "Count" 
Count is the inventory app function that results in the stock on hand levels for the items counted in the selected store being updated in the MYPOS system to the counted values when the count is reconciled.


If you have a Stock on Hand level of 30 for "Item A" in the MYPOS system for your location before the count, then perform a Count of 20 with the inventory app and reconcile the count in the MYPOS portal, the Stock on Hand of "Item A" for your location would be updated to be 20


A count would typically be used for a pre scheduled stock take , for example a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual stock take where you want the stock levels to be corrected as part of the process.



Count Settings
The inventory app count & portal stock count functions in MYPOS have two configuration options which determine how they calculate stock variance from counts.
option 1 "Frozen" will compare the counted number against a 'frozen in time' stock on hand figure calculated at the time the first of each item is scanned during the current count
option 2 "RealTime" will compare the counted number against a stock on hand figure calculated at the point the count is reconciled.

Option 1 "Frozen" is the default option and is suitable for most customers where stock is counted when the location is closed and where you will not sell any products between the time the item was counted and the time the count was reconciled


Option 2 "Realtime" can be enabled on request by our support team and can be of use to customers who count stock while the location is open and actively selling items, this setting is a company wide setting and can not be set at individual location level.


Starting a Count
Before you start a count make sure any previous counts have been completed or deleted, go to MYPOS Connect Portal - Stock Counts and ensure their is no existing open count for your location, if an existing open count exists then scanning items in the inventory app under 'count' will continue/add to this pre existing count.

Scanning/Looking Up products
Once you have checked no existing count exists you can start scanning or looking up items, the Inventory App works best with a barcode scanner, however if you don't have one, or if you are counting items with no barcodes you can lookup items manually by product name, or enter the product code directly via the onscreen keyboard.

Scanning the products barcode will record a qty of 1 in the app, to accept the count of 1 press "Submit Count" and scan your next item, if you want to increase the quantity for the item you can use the plus and minus buttons to adjust, enter a count directly in the count box using the on screen keyboard, or continue to scan the barcode multiple times until you have the correct quantity


Once the qty is correct press "Submit Count" and continue to scan your next item repeating the above step to select the correct quantity.

Reviewing Counts
Pressing the "Review All Counts" button will show a list of all items counted since  you last uploaded the counts to MYPOS, up until the count has been uploaded you can amend and remove items from the count directly from the inventory app, to do this click on the item and a pop up window will appear allowing you to change the quantity or delete the line, confirm the changes to save.


Once the count has been Uploaded it can only be edited via the MYPOS Portal and the counted qty will disappear from your inventory app count view, your device will need an internet connection at the point the count is uploaded, you can upload counts as you go, area by area , or you can compete the full count before submitting,

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