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Home > MYPOS Connect > MYPOS Inventory > MYPOS Inventory - Check
MYPOS Inventory - Check
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What is a "Check" 
Check is the inventory app function that allows you to perform ad hoc stock counts without affecting the stock on hand figure for the item, this is for performing small out of schedule checks or quick item checks without resetting the variance for the next scheduled count, currently in v1.x of the app a maximum of 1 'check' per day per item per store location can be performed.


If you have a Stock on Hand level of 30 for "Item A" in the MYPOS system for your location before the check, then perform a check of 20 with the inventory app, the Stock on Hand of "Item A" for your location would remain as30


A check would typically be used for an "ad hoc" check, for example you want to count certain item to have a better idea of what you need to order, or you are keeping an extra check on specific products so want to check and record the values daily without affecting the overall stock on hand.



Check Settings
As a check will not affect or reset your Stock on Hand levels you can perform as many checks as you want as often as you want.


Starting a Check
Before you start a check make sure any previous checks have been completed or deleted.

Scanning/Looking Up products
Once you have checked no existing count exists you can start scanning or looking up items, the Inventory App works best with a barcode scanner, however if you don't have one, or if you are counting items with no barcodes you can lookup items manually by product name, or enter the product code directly via the onscreen keyboard.

Scanning the products barcode will record a qty of 1 in the app, to accept the count of 1 press "Submit Count" and scan your next item, if you want to increase the quantity for the item you can use the plus and minus buttons to adjust, enter a count directly in the count box using the on screen keyboard, or continue to scan the barcode multiple times until you have the correct quantity


Once the qty is correct press "Submit Count" and continue to scan your next item repeating the above step to select the correct quantity.

Reviewing Checks
Pressing the "Review All Checks" button will show a list of all items recorded since  you last uploaded the check to MYPOS, up until the check has been uploaded you can amend and remove items from the count directly from the inventory app, to do this click on the item and a pop up window will appear allowing you to change the quantity or delete the line, confirm the changes to save.


Once the count has been Uploaded it can no longer be edited and the counted qty will disappear from your inventory app count view, your device will need an internet connection at the point the count is uploaded, you can upload counts as you go, area by area , or you can compete the full count before submitting, as Checks are recorded based on date you can currently only perform a maximum of 1 check per day per item per store location.

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