Pre Requisite for Local Table Server
- PC running Windows 10 or 11 Pro
- SQL Server Express 2022 (or Latest Version from below link)
SQL Server Express Download
- SSMS Latest Version from below link
SSMS Download
- Local Tables Service Compressed Folder Latest Version from Resellers SharePoint
- Tables Server API Credential
- Latest Create db and tables SQL Script from Resellers SharePoint
- .NET 6.0.23 Windows Server Hosting from Resellers SharePoint
Install SQL Express 2022 using the 'Custom' install option, make sure to tick the local db option to ensure local db is installed
Setup sa user with sql password
Create a MYPOSTableServiceService Folder in root of C and put extracted MYPOSTableServiceService folder files inside it
Create TableServiceDB Folder in root of C
Load SSMS and;
Run "(1) Create New DB" Script
Create SQL user for the newly created db with default db set to ‘TableService’ and note username and password
Run "(2) Create Tables & SPs" Script
Load appsettings.json from C:/MYPOSTableServiceService folder and set the following fields to be correct for your system
TableServiceDatabaseConnString server name, sql db username and password
MYPOSAPIUsername Table Server API Username (available from MYPOS Support)
MYPOSAPIPassword TableServer API Password (available from MYPOS Support)
StoreId StoreId from database (available from MYPOS support)
ServeOnIP IP address of Table Server Device
DirtyTableTimeoutMins how many minutes to auto change dirty tables to available default of 1
Run Comand Prompt as elevated user and enter the below command
sc create MYPOSTableServiceService binPath= "C:\MYPOSTableServiceService\MYPOSTableServiceService.exe"
Reboot PC and start ‘MYPOSTableServiceService’ from Services